A Toolkit for Region 5 Local Governments
Watch this free instructional workshop to learn about EPA Region 5 funded recycling tools designed to increase communities' understanding of recycling service provision opportunities and potential directions for developing comprehensive integrated solid waste management (ISWM) programs.
ISWM services, including curbside waste, recycling, organics, and complementary drop-off site(s) are a set of public services of growing importance. Many local governments are considering adding or enhancing these services. This workshop will provide in-depth walkthroughs of a set of "Making the Case for Recycling" tools. Learn how to utilize the ISWM tools to inform important decisions that can direct recycling and organics programs and enhancements.
The Accounting Handbook provides a financial framework for municipalities - especially small and medium-sized - interested in securing organic and inorganic recycling services, addressing needed funding and collaboration, and making the case for recycling. The ISWM Spreadsheet Tool uses community data to provide directional insight to local governments by comparing the costs and impacts of various recycling and organics programs. The workshop will also provide insights into how this information can be used to make the business case for recycling to important stakeholders.
This "Making the Case for Recycling" workshop and tools are intended to empower local government officials who are interested in building or improving a recycling or organics program in their community. Those who are involved in local, state, or regional government, agencies, or economic development organizations are invited to attend this free workshop.
Key Takeaways:
- Gain access to free tools to explore options around an integrated solid waste management system.
- Learn how to use the free, customizable ISWM spreadsheet to identify recycling and organics program options.
- Learn how to utilize the full cost accounting handbook to identify, collect, track, and analyze costs associated with solid waste services.
- Learn how to communicate options and outcomes with key stakeholders.