The MRC Award of Recycling Excellence is given to chosen nominees each year at the Annual Conference.
Nominations for the Award of Excellence typically open in January. All types of programs - big and small, public and private - will be considered. Examples of the types of programs that you may want to nominate include: recycling programs (public, private, commercial, corporate, industrial, institutional, school, etc.), composting programs, special event recycling and/or composting programs, education/outreach programs, waste reduction/reuse programs. The award winner Is recognized each year at our Annual Conference.

MRC Award of Excellence for an Organization
Sanctuary Farm

MRC Award of Excellence for an Individual
Samantha Buterbaugh
Biz Aid

MRC Unsung Hero
Steve Noble
Recycle Jackson

MRC Chair’s Choice
Kari Bliss, Padnos

MRC 2022 Award of Organization Excellence
Laingsburg Recyclers

MRC Unsung Hero Award
Mike Grey, Meijer

MRC Chair’s Choice Award
Matt Flechter, EGLE
MRC 2022 Award of Individual Excellence
Brad Austin, Marquette County Solid Waste Authority
Attended Virtually

MRC 2021 Award of Individual Excellence
Brian Miller, Cascade Engineering

MRC 2021 Award of Organization Excellence
Clare County Road Commission, Dewayne Rogers

MRC 2019 Award of Organization Excellence
Spectrum Health Distribution Center

MRC 2019 Award of Leadership Excellence
Don Pyle, Delta Solid Waste Management Authority

MRC 2018 Award of Individual Excellence
Sarah Archer, Iris Waste Diversion Services

MRC 2018 Award of Program Excellence
Republic Services

MRC 2018 Award of Leadership Excellence
Bill Gurn, Haworth

MRC 2017 Award of Organization Excellence
Duro-Last Roofing

MRC 2017 Award of Individual Excellence
Claire Galed, Huntington Woods

MRC 2016 Award of Organization Excellence
Southwest Michigan Solid Waste Consortium – Sarah Kelley

MRC 2016 Award of Individual Excellence
Michael Csapo, RRRASOC

Special Award for work in Flint
Schupan Recycling – Roger Cargill & Tom Emmerich

MRC 2015 Award of Excellence
City of Lansing

MRC 2014 Award of Organization Excellence
Goodwill Greater Grand Rapids, Nick Carlson

MRC 2014 Award of Individual Excellence
Nancy Stone, City of Ann Arbor
MRC 2013 Award of Organization Excellence
Reeths-Puffer Pennsylvania Pilot Program, 2012
MRC 2013 Award of Individual Excellence
James Vicenzi, Lakestate Industries and Upper Peninsula Recycling Coalition
MRC 2012 Award of Organization Excellence
City of Grand Rapids
MRC 2013 Award of Individual Excellence
Sandy Rosen, CEO Great Lakes Recycling (GLR)
MRC 2011 Award of Excellence
Western Michigan University Green Manufacturing Initiative, represented by David Meade
MRC 2011 Member of the Year Award
Elisa Seltzer, Emmet County Department of Public Works Director
MRC 2010 Outstanding Recycling Education Program
Marvin E. Beekman Center
MRC 2010 Outstanding Innovation in Recycling
Rewards for Recycling
MRC 2010 Outstanding Non-Profit Recycling Program
Mel Trotter Ministries
MRC 2010 Outstanding Institutional Recycling Program
MSU Surplus Store & Recycling Center
MRC 2009 Outstanding Business Recycling Program
Crutchall Resource Recycling, LLC
MRC 2009 Outstanding Recycling Program
Washtenaw County medicine takeback program
MRC 2009 Outstanding Institutional Recycling Program
Central Michigan University
MRC 2009 Recycling Professional of the Year
Bryan Weinert, City of Ann Arbor
MRC 2009 Chair’s Choice
Jim Frey, Resource Recycling Systems
MRC 2009 Spotlight Awards
Fox 66 Green Team
Berrien County Recycling Guide
Huntington Woods
MRC 2008 Outstanding Community Education Program
Washtenaw County
MRC 2008 Outstanding Reuse Program
Mid Michigan Waste Authority
MRC 2008 Outstanding Compost Program
City of Ann Arbor
MRC 2008 Outstanding Service Provider
Car Trucking
MRC 2008 Recycling Professional of the Year
Marlene Wood-Zylstra
MRC 2008 Chair’s Choice
Matt Flechter, MDEQ
MRC 2008 Spotlight Awards
Terri Hooper
Linda Peete
CBC Recycling
Mid Michigan Waste Authority
Husky Injection Molding Systems
Haworth Kentwood facility
Hospital Network Healthcare Services
MRC 2007 Outstanding Recycling Education Program
Mid-Michigan Waste Authority
MRC 2007 Outstanding Reduction & Reuse Program
U of M Waste Management Services
MRC 2007 Outstanding Special Event Recycling Program
City of Lansing Waste Reduction Services
MRC 2007 Outstanding Business Recycling Program
Abbott Nutrition
MRC 2007 Outstanding Composting Program
City of Lansing Waste Reduction Services
MRC 2007 Outstanding Recycling Program
Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe
MRC 2007 Outstanding Recycler
Tom Dean
MRC 2007 Spotlight Awards
Karen Weave
Jenison Public Schools Gifted & Talented Program
Kent County: Kentwood Recycling Center
Kent County: Earth Day Recycle Challenge
Mid-Michigan Waste Authority: Arctic Zoo Fest Recycled Milk Jug Igloo Northwest Refuse
Washtenaw County
MRC 2006 Outstanding Public Recycling Program
Central Wayne County Sanitation Authority
MRC 2006 Outstanding Private Recycling Program
Classic Computer Recovery
MRC 2006 Outstanding Volunteer Recycling Program
Natasha Garbuzov & Prentiss Apartments
MRC 2005 Outstanding Recycling Program
MRC 2005 Outstanding Composting Program
St. John's
MRC 2005 Outstanding Recycler
Patricia Turner and Cecilia Strine
MRC 2005 Outstanding Business Recycling Program
Target Corporation
MRC 2005 Outstanding Public Recycling Program
City of Holland's Project Pride
MRC 2005 Chair's Choice
Lucy Doroshko, Michigan Department of Environmental Quality
MRC 2004 Outstanding Governmental Program
Delta County Recycle Center
MRC 2004 Outstanding Household Hazardous Waste Program
North Oakland No-Haz Consortium
MRC 2004 Outstanding Business Program
West Michigan Sustainable Business Forum Pollution Prevention Committee
MRC 2004 Outstanding Reduction & Reuse Program
Haworth, Inc.
MRC 2004 Outstanding Composting Program
Mackinac Island DPW
MRC 2004 Chair's Choice
Cheryl Graunstadt, Westland City Councilperson
MRC 2003 Outstanding Recycling Program
ReCellular, Inc.
MRC 2003 Outstanding Composting Program
Crosby Mint Farm
MRC 2003 Outstanding Educator
Rob Townsend, Kalamazoo College
MRC 2003 Outstanding Recycler
Sarah Archer
MRC 2003 Chair's Choice
Beth Clawson, MSU Extension Van Buren County
MRC 2002 Lifetime Achievement Award
Jim Frey, Resource Recycling Systems, Inc.
MRC 2002 Organics Recycling Achievement
Eagle Ottawa Leather Company/Newaygo Farms
MRC 2002 Recycling Education Achievement Award
Beth Ramsey, Ardis Renaissance Academy, Ypsilanti
MRC 2002 Private Recycling Achievement
Granger III and Associates, Lansing
MRC 2002 Public Recycling Achievement
City of Ann Arbor Solid Waste Department
MRC 2002 Chair's Choice
Marty Seaman, Oakland County
MRC 2001 Outstanding Reduction and Reuse Program
Recycle Ann Arbor ReUse Center and Environmental House
MRC 2001 Outstanding Education and Outreach Program
City of Lansing Office of Waste Reduction Services
MRC 2001 Outstanding Private Recycling Program
Detroit Technical Center of Husky Injection Molding Systems
MRC 2001 Outstanding Public Recycling Program
UM Hospitals & Health Centers
MRC 2001 Chair's Choice
Sara Lesky, Lapeer County
MRC 2000 Outstanding Education and Outreach Program
Nancy Norton, Cumberland Elementary School, Lansing
MRC 2000 Outstanding Public Recycling Program
Elisa Seltzer, Emmet County DPW
MRC 2000 Outstanding Private Recycling Program
American Commodities, Inc.
MRC 2000 Outstanding Reduction and Reuse Program
Petoskey Plastics, Inc.
MRC 1999 Outstanding Reduction & Reuse
Haworth, Inc.
MRC 1999 Outstanding Education & Outreach
Saginaw Area Solid Waste Management Authority
MRC 1999 Outstanding Composting
City of Troy
MRC 1999 Outstanding Private Recycling
Arnold Center
MRC 1999 Outstanding Public Recycling
Isabella County's Material Recovery Facility
MRC 1998 Public or Private Resource Recovery Program
Chrysler McGraw Glass Recycle Team
MRC 1998 Chair's Choice
Lucy Doroshko, Michigan Department of Environmental Quality
MRC 1998 Outstanding Contribution and Commitment to Sustainable Materials Use and Recovery
Pierre Gonyon of St. Joseph Mercy Hospital
MRC 1998 Outstanding Contribution to the MRC Composting Council
Jody Bachman, formerly of the Granger Companies
MRC 1997 Outstanding Public Recycling Program
Pat Collins, U.S. Postal Service, Royal Oak District
MRC 1997 Outstanding Private Recycling Program
Kim Hohisel, Dow Corning Corporation, Midland
MRC 1997 Chair's Choice
Steve Leuty, Kalamazoo County
MRC 1997 Organics Recycling & Composting
Jeff Burleigh, Renewed Earth and Menasha Corporation, Kalamazoo
MRC 1997 Source Reduction & Reuse Programs
Barb Mantera, The Kellogg Company, Battle Creek
MRC 1997 Innovative Policy, Process or Product
Mike Moffitt, Cadillac Products, Troy
MRC 1997 Education and Promotion
Esther Seaver, Environmental & Educational Alliance of Midland County
MRC 1996 Outstanding Contribution
Ray Ayer, City of Ann Arbor
MRC 1996 Innovative Policy/Process/Product
Conrad Balazs, Michigan Molecular Institute
MRC 1996 Outstanding Composting Program
"Buz" Haltenhoff, Newaygo Farms, Inc.
MRC 1996 Outstanding Recycling Program
Curt Winter, Jennings of Michigan, Inc.
MRC 1996 Outstanding Recycling Program
Marty Seaman, Saginaw Area Solid Waste Management Authority
MRC 1996 Source Reduction & Reuse Program
Conrad Cepulveda & Ed Paul, Home Repair Services/Builder's Abundance
MRC 1996 Education & Promotion Program
Dr. Shirley Fleischmann & Dr. Paul Plotkowski, Grand Valley State University School of Engineering
MRC 1995 Outstanding Business Recycling Program
Brett Christie, Larry Oliver and Pat Rester; Lansing Car Assembly
MRC 1995 Outstanding Recycled Content Program
Steve Leuty, Kalamazoo County
MRC 1995 Outstanding Recycling Consumer Awareness and Education Program
Carey Rogers, Michigan United Conservation Club
MRC 1995 Outstanding Business Recycling Program
Thomas Flegal and Sonya Johnsson, Mitchell Corporation of Owosso
MRC 1994 Business, Industry or Institutional Recycling Award
Delta College
MRC 1994 Consumer Education & Awareness Award
Dow Corning Corporation
MRC 1994 Source Reduction Award
Eaton County Department of Resource Recovery
MRC 1994 Recycled Content Product Award
Downriver Community Conference and Waste Management, Inc.
MRC 1993 Recycled Content Product or Program Award
Brad Heffelmeyer, Embrace Systems, Inc.
MRC 1993 Recycling Education and Awareness Program Award
Amy Gibson, Monroe County
MRC 1993 Source Reduction Program Award
Andrew Huisman, Planter Lifesavers Co.
MRC 1993 Recycling Related Special Events Award
Jane Norton, Recycling in Barry County
MRC 1993 Recycling Related Special Events and Programs Award
Erica Spiegel, University of Michigan, Grounds and Waste Management Recycling Office
MRC 1992 Source Reduction Program Award
Donnelly Corporation
MRC 1992 Community Recycling Program Award
Southeastern Oakland County Resource Recovery Authority
MRC 1992 Special Merit Award for Education and Awareness
City of East Lansing
MRC 1992 Recycling Education & Awareness Program Award
Dow Corning Corporation’s Environmental Awareness Re-Investing in Tomorrow’s Horizons
MRC 1992 Business, Industry or Institutional Recycling Program Award
Amway Corporation and Ford Motor’s EEE
MRC 1992 Rural Recycling Program Award
White Lake Recyclers
MRC 1991 Source Reduction Program and Practices Award
Herman Miller, Inc. and Northwest Ottawa Area Recycling Committee
MRC 1991 Recycling/Composting Technology Award
Averill Plastics., In. and Ralston Purina Co.
MRC 1991 Recycled Content Product Award
Nu-Wool, Inc. and Ameritech Publishing, Inc.
MRC 1991 Education/Publicity Programs Award
Recyclers of Ingham, Eaton, and Clinton Counties; the City of East Lansing; and Wayne County Division of Public Works
MRC 1991 Program Development Award
Butterworth Hospital, the City of Ann Arbor and Recycle Ann Arbor, ABLE Sanitation, Inc., and Grosse Pointe Citizens for Recycling
MRC 1990 Government Award
Newaygo County (Ron O’Neil, Solid Waste Coordinator)
MRC 1990 Industry Award
AC Rochester Plant, General Motors Corp
MRC 1990 Non-Profit Organization Award
Downriver Recycling Center
MRC 1990 Non-Profit Institution Award
University of Michigan
MRC 1990 Citizen Award
Gordon Hermes, Lakestate Industries, Escanaba
MRC 1990 Media Award
Huron Daily Tribune, Bad Axe
MRC 1989 Government Award
City of Huntington Woods
MRC 1989 Industrial Award
Faygo Beverage Co.
MRC 1989 Business Award
Grand Traverse Resort Village Management
MRC 1989 Non-Profit Award
The Recyclers of Ingham, Eaton, & Clinton Counties
MRC 1989 Citizen Award
Representative James A. Kosteva and Senator Vernon J. Ehlers
MRC 1989 Media Award
Grosse Pointe News
MRC 1989 Media/Reporter Award
Jane Aldrich, Channel 6 TV and Wayne Schmidt, Booth Newspapers
MRC 1988 Government Award
Michigan Department of Management and Budget Print Shop
MRC 1988 Industry Award
Northern Fiber Division of Sheller-Globe “Eight is Enough” Quality Circle Group
MRC 1988 Business Award
Lubbers Resource System
MRC 1988 Non-Profit Organization Award
Albion Recycle Center
MRC 1988 Citizen Award
Rick Newberry, Grand Rapids
MRC 1988 Media Award
Gratiot County Herald, Ithaca
MRC 1987 Governmental Award
City of Ann Arbor
MRC 1987 Industrial Award
Kellogg Co. of Battle Creek
MRC 1987 Business, Retail Award
Meijer, Inc. of Grand Rapids
MRC 1987 Non-profit Organization Award
G.T.P Industries of Traverse City
MRC 1987 Citizen Award
Allen Pacar
MRC 1987 Media Award
Spinal Column Newsweekly of Union Lake
MRC 1986 Governmental Award
East Lansing
MRC 1986 Industry Award
Summit Steel
MRC 1986 Business/Retail Award
J. Eaton of Portage
MRC 1986 Non-Profit Award
Grand Traverse Project
MRC 1986 Citizen Award
Karen Sterns
MRC 1985 Government Award
Ottawa County Board of Commissioners
MRC 1985 Industry Award
Buick City Flint
MRC 1985 Business Award
Brady Paper Recycling
MRC 1985 Non-Profit Award
Recycle Unlimited, Grand Rapids
MRC 1985 Individual Award
Patty DuBois, Gaylord
MRC 1984 Government Agency Award
DNR Resource Recovery Unit
MRC 1984 Industry Award
Fenske Enterprises
MRC 1984 Business Award
French Paper
MRC 1984 Non-Profit Award
Recycle Ann Arbor
MRC 1984 Citizen Award
Dave Wiltsie
MRC 1983 Recycling Award
Jerry Powell, Resource Recovery Magazine