BE a part of Michigan’s only dedicated statewide advocate for recycling and composting
EXPAND your knowledge of the industry through Coalition training and promotional programs, communications and activities
NETWORK & PARTNER with public and private sector recyclers and organics managers throughout the state
IMPACT policy and legislation that may affect your business or organization with timely information, updates and representation
PROMOTE your company or organization to professional recycling and composting members across the state
RECEIVE member discounts for MRC programs, training, workshops, and conferences
CONNECT and work with colleagues to advance MRC’s vision and mission through Board and Committee work
ACCESS to the MRC member only portal and MRC Listserv where members share contacts, information, issues, ideas and solutions
USE the “MRC Member” logo to promote your support of recycling and composting
And so much more.

Which membership is right for you?

• Is the source for information about recycling, composting and waste utilization in Michigan.
• Advocates for successful recycling and organics management programs and policies at the local, state, and national level.
• Offers the best professional education and networking opportunities available to Michigan’s resource recovery community.
• Builds consensus around important resource recovery, recycling and composting issues.
• Provides members with the tools and resources they need to convey to their constituents, decision makers, and the media, the important benefits of waste utilization to our economy and environment.
• Develops meaningful partnerships with business, government, and nonprofit leaders to bring about important changes in the way we use, manage, and recycle natural resources.