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A Brand New Conference Experience

There has never been a better time than now to learn new ways to connect. While we were disappointed that our Conference had to be rescheduled due to the pandemic, we are looking forward to connecting with familiar faces and maybe even a few new ones for this first-of-its kind virtual event for the MRC. We've lined up four educational sessions and a couple of cool virtual networking opportunities. The event will be free of charge (or a free will offering), so spread the word, and save the date! Registration will open soon.

Sessions - Wednesday, May 6
10:00 am - 1:30 pm

Collaborative Contracting for More Service at Better Prices
Michael Greenberg, GT Environmental

Communities working together to get services can meet economies of scale that provide participants a variety of benefits. Learn about a joint bidding consortium and specifically, how to tackle the hard work of getting neighboring communities and local decision-makers to agree on a process that ultimately leads to a long-term contract for each individual community. See what a successful bid looks like. Understand how the process can result in more and better services, lower cost protections on fuel surcharges, and options for community cleanup days. Get the basic tools to evaluate whether a joint bid consortium would work in your area.

EGLE - PFAS in Packaging, Compost, and the Environment - What We Know
Steve Sliver, Executive Director, MPART, EGLE; Bill Brower, WeCare Denali

Although Michigan is in the lead on managing PFAS, there are more questions than answers. Learn about the Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy's approach through the Michigan PFAS Action Response Team (MPART) to gather data and work toward policies that will protect human health, the environment, and your bottom line. Learn what the Department knows about the extent of the problem and the ways industry can effectively manage existing sources of contamination and prevent new ones. Hear how the composting industry is responding and how leading packaging experts are making progress on reducing sources of contamination through consumer packaging.

Sessions - Thursday, May 7
10:00 am - 1:30 pm

Resources for Recycling Resiliency during COVID-19

In this fast-paced, interactive session, attendees will engage around the evolving response to the wide variety of challenges faced by material managers and their end markets. An extensive panel of experts will share the latest information and their first-hand observations about the implications of the pandemic on recycling and organics industries in Michigan and beyond. Hear from leaders about...

  • How to interpret the Governor's Executive Order
  • How facilities can ensure the safety of employees and clients
  • What is the impact of the shutdown on local and regional markets
  • What resources are available to maintain financial resiliency moving into an unknown future

How Getting Up to Speed with Safety Regulations was preparation for the COVID-19 Outbreak
Wendy Fought, Emmet County

Emmet County spent the last year bringing its operations - a transfer station, materials recovery facility, compost facility, household hazardous waste location, residential recycling, and a bulky materials drop-off - up to date with a number of safety requirements. Subsequently, these preparations were vital when faced with a curbside driver who tested positive for COVID-19. Learn how the County immediately activated their newly created safety regulations and responded rapidly, developing additional protocols to keep their employees safe and operations open during the COVID-19 outbreak. Understand what really matters after having navigated through OSHA trainings, conversations with employees, and existing policies all while managing a very tight budget.

EGLE - Benchmarking Materials Management for Progress
Christina Miller, EGLE; Anna Lynott, RRS

Hear about how the State is paving the way for a successful shift to materials management across the state. Learn about a major data benchmarking initiative that will integrate reporting, measurement, and planning systems to the benefit of county and local governments and the entire EGLE program. Learn about a developing grant opportunity intended to support county materials management and get the latest update on the developing tools to build the materials management program of the future.


At the MRC, we know that one of the biggest draws of our Conference is the great networking opportunities available. We will miss meeting face to face, but we have spent weeks planning different ideas of how to facilitate those kinds of connections remotely. Please consider taking part in one or both of the opportunities we are offering for networking during this time of separation. We won't be able to see each other face to face, but at least we can see each other's faces. If you have the ability, please plan to attend the virtual conference with both a microphone and a camera. We want to see your smiling faces!


Event Times

Wednesday, May 6 10:00 am - 1:15 pm
Thursday, May 7 10:00 am - 1:00 pm

Don't forget to join us in October!

Our in-person Conference is currently scheduled to take place October 5 & 6, 2020 at the Bay City DoubleTree. Learn more here...

© 2020 michigan recycling coalition