
Course Description

Materials and Recycling Management Training is the only comprehensive 3-day training and interactive learning experience in Michigan. Participants will grow their knowledge of the industry, develop understanding of key systems and county materials management planning, be connected with helpful tools and resources, and make valuable connections that will support the development and maintenance of successful programs. 

September 23-25, 2024  |  Grand Rapids

Training Highlights

Foundational understanding of of the industry:

  • Materials
  • Collection
  • Processing
  • Marketing commodities
  • Organics management
  • State and local policy

Knowledge of the value of a waste audit or waste assessment

  • Why audit?
  • Analyze the data
  • Understand the needs
  • Contracts for services
  • Enhance the program

Vital information for sustaining programming

  • Identify gaps
  • Set goals
  • Plan to implement
  • Educate & promote
  • Evaluate & report
  • Role of county materials management planning process


Monday, September 23
lunch and dinner provided

Tuesday, September 24
lunch provided
From Waste to Resource

Wednesday, September 25
lunch provided
Sustainable Program Implementation & Management

MRC Members




Registration Fee Includes

All Materials

Lunch and Dinner on Day 1

Lunch on Days 2 & 3

*Overnight accommodations are not included in the training fee. A variety of hotels are available in the surrounding area.